This week they found a cancerous growth on his eye. You just need to get things back into balance! If not I will stop taking it, I think. I’ve been taking Minocycline and used 0.05% tazorac for 6weeks and my acne got really worse. This is not the kid I raised. My son too was on Accutane, he now is in renal failure, and is waiting for a kidney transplant. I am now 22, and took Accutane when I was 17 years old. Tracy, many thanks for this amazing site! I was paranoid and anxious. I just wanted to add my voice. Some 3 years later I got a neurological issue: my right hand dropped and I lost thumb extension. Several months and several specialists later I finally got a real diagnosis. Never socialized and hated school. Specic legal provisions for transfer to that of healthcare pro- fessional drivers, cyclists, and those with familial clustering, physical inactivity, as the hcg stimulus soon … Now I really pray it clears up so I don’t have to take Roaccutane. This drug made me crazy. But then, I didn’t, and I’m not sure I ever would have if not for my experience. There are no words for how much I can relate to your post Body dismorphic disorder is the word. Took the horrible drug when i was 19, two months later i was diagnosed with crohn’s. Mostly because a couple of my friends went on it and now have flawless complexions and seem to be totally healthy. It’s not smelly or anything, just very abundant. I’ve had acne since I was 11 years, and it later developed into cystic acne, which absolutely crushed my self esteem. I couldn’t stand anything. (other than getting rid of your acne). However, thanks to the efforts of many bereaved parents and many MPs, there is a new Government scientific investigation going on now to try to get to the bottom of this. I had to stop taking the drug because I simply was not able to live a normal life on it. Would love to hear Your answer, just started this pills, and all of this freak me out. But besides her trying to put me down, because of imperfections, she has also tried to ruin my beauty, sabotage my hair, through ridiculous hair-cuts, and sabotage my hair, through beauty treatments, sabotage my weight, through cooking me fattening foods, that I never asked for, or said, that I was hungry, and she tried to ‘guilt’ me into eating, because she said, ‘she did it for you.’ But it was really about making you gain weight. What are your thoughts on the risks? No he didn’t take steroids or any other drug , just Isotretinoin. I also recommend to read about opioid peptides. Does your wife prefer to workout a lot? Even my curls were gone! You’ll learn seven things you can start doing right now to clear your skin. It’s like, even with my mom, I mean, if someone can’t accept you, and love you, and have compassion for you, then, f**k them. I was just explaining the situation. I am so sorry for what your family went through. I’ve screamed at like ten people and have cried about 284729 times. I was on accutane for three cycles, and yes I was depressed with acne but if i could trade acne for the problems I have now I would gladly take the bumps. I don’t know what I would have done. It affected my psyche and gave me a bad depression. Basically, you can kiss your social life goodbye, and good luck finding a girlfriend. It didn’t bother me as I knew that I had periods of horrible acne flare-ups and periods of lesser acne as well. O 0, 2. I hate that doctor and if I could find her she wouldn’t be around anymore. Very curious to find out what you did to fix your thyroid problem, as myself and everyone with these side effects has either been diagnosed hypo or has the symptoms. Anyway, my acne came back after 6-7 months. Accutane is the devil and I can’t believe it is still being prescribed. soo so desperate. I understand how difficult it is, but finding a solution should be the main concern here… first of all we need to know what Roaccutane does to your body, it shrinks your oil glands, these include those going to your eyes, face, lips etc… So I have been trying to grt my oil glands back to normal. Or the vitamin A in your multivitamin supplement? I now have to carry chapstick everywhere I go and reapply every 2 hours or so to have healthy lips (such a painstaking drag). The first thing she decided to do for me was have me see a dermitologist about Accutane. My doctor did not tell me. Don’t over do it. It didn’t do much of anything for me. I kid you not… I thought the picture above was Zac Efron. It is a great support community. Anyway, after a while, I decided to test my food intolerances with a naturopath and discovered that I was allergic to gluten, dairy and eggs. I just don’t want to come away from this with extra health issues than when I signed on to taking the drug. I believe he did stop the treatment before it was through. I have been diagnosed with neuropathy and see a neurologist. still, the acne is persistent. I am putting together a report to give to my doctor and any other professional that I see in the next few months. He changed his diet and now, 12 years later, he’s almost 100% back to normal. BE STRONG! All they ever do is invent things that don’t actually fix anything. The only other person I know who has also used the drug suffered an incredibly severe deterioration of his mental health characterized by psychosis and rage. In 2004 I became secluded, severely depressed, and suicidal. Great that the author has reached out and spread his story. It depends all on you if you really use it on how the dr had said you should or if you followed your own advice at times, or if you were given higher dosage than what you were supposed to get…. I almost thought I got bit by a tick and had gotten lymes disease. One hundred and sixty-two patients received a cumulative dose of < 120 mg/kg body … THANK YOU! Heather, I didn’t RoAuccutane technically I took Isotretinoin. it permanently changes the brains chemistry, messes with bodies hormones, cripples immune system etc why do u think people have severe depression taking it. To see me talking about all of the side effects I live with, watch my video: My Youtube channel can be found here. I have read so many stories and they all sound the same. If I had of known that my body would suffer life-long damage from a small decision to clear my acne, there is no way I would have taken such measures. This could also have been contributed to puberty, but sometimes it was so extreme, it scared me. 4. So, I didn’t get Accutane. Accutane isn’t to blame here. I am not surprised about this being hell. To be frank, I do not think this drug should be prescribed unless the acne is so severe it may lead the patient to commit suicide. Most people who take this, and other drugs, don’t have terrible acne that won’t go away with some support. I agree, while there are severe side effects of this medication, nothing is long term. But I was still getting acne. I took accutane in high school. I attempted suicide several times. Is there any way for these side effects to be reversed? I recently came to the light about modern medicine and have steered clear from it since. Sorry to hear you were another victim of this drug, but I’m really glad to hear that you have managed to keep it under control with healthy and safe methods! Eye Irritation 2. 300 mg onwards is considered chemotherapy. Biggest mistake of my life. Western Medicine in a nutshell….Props to you, Stefan. Thank you. Narcissists pick on your imperfections because they have no compassion, and because they themselves, are insecure, and they wish to put others down, to lift themselves up, this is a nightmare, if you date a narcissist, and your mom is a narcissist, and they want to team up on you, to put you down, to both have control over you, drain you, of your source, your life energy, and put you down, so that your life will be worthless, which that is what narcissists, ultimately do, drain you, of your life energy, in order to convince you, that you are worthless, and not deserving of Love. After taking Roaccutane for six months in 2010 at around 17/18 years old in conjunction with the birth control pill Dianette, like many of you here I too experienced years of depression and anxiety (that has only recently abated in the last 18-24 months) which left me out of work and housebound as well as problems with appetite/weight and an irregular heartbeat. Both grandma’s said, you look better with makeup. Also, now I’m an active, happy, healthy person with a social life who goes out on dates. I know it seems like everyone is saying that online, but it is for a good reason. Similar things happened to my skin shapes 12 years ago.I still struggle with this shit!Can’t describe it precisely ,but everything went wrong(includin’ facial+body hair), My son took Accutane for about 4 months during his senior year in high school back in 1995. Hi there – I’ve actually been thinking about you and wondering how you’ve been doing. Three years of thinking I’m showing signs of lupus and it all seems simple now: I can’t be a mother because I was too worried about appearance. I’ve been in surgery induced menopause since I turned 32. Like anyone in the Western World, I assumed the best decision would be to turn to a doctor. I wish human beings weren’t used as guinea pigs before the long term effects were realized. Furthermore, I believe tthat all the comments trying to sugarcoat or minimize this lethal crap are PAID by someone. Acne will clear after some time mental health issues are for ever. It’s not a question of stress, it is a real and serious condition which is tragically permanent. Oh and I also have a bad case of Add/Adhd and my two teenagers have that part of it. This drug changes the way you think though so I’m not saying that’s the right answer at all. The cause is unknown, but I cannot help thinking Accutane caused all this. Honestly, in some ways it saved me psychologically at a time when I really needed it – I was entering adulthood and needed to feel more confident. I took Accutane in 2003 at the age of 16. Please DO NOT take this horrible horrendous Drug. I would not wish my experience and discomfort on anyone. Accutane is not a bad product it depends if you use it exactly as the dr had prescribed or not… The only reason why I can think these people got these chronic diseases is because they probably didn’t always eat before they drank it or they could’ve taken double dosis when maybe they skipped a dose, and remember this is a kind of an antibiotic which is dangerous and unfortunately if you don’t take the medicine exactly as the dr had prescribed you might end up having these chronic symptoms and the dr should’ve told you too incase you get these symptoms you consult a dr and they might lighten the dose that you were prescribed with or they could discotinue the dose and because these people didn’t care basically now they have lasting side affects…. And do not perscibe dangerous drugs to my patients! I found this site while researching symptoms that I’ve noticed since starting my course 13 days ago. O 0. And they seem to be more followers. Doctors DON’T TELL YOU SHIT! It’s tough for me to deal with my fibro cfs,skin lupus,neuropathy,rosacea,anxiety,depression. I have yet to hear from them to get an appointment, but I am still hopeful that it is nothing too serious. help me please…. Because it was a foundation in the form of a creamy ‘cake’ foundation. “Accutane, aka isotretinoin, shrinks the glands in your skin that produce oils,” says dermatologist Mona Gohara, MD, associate clinical professor at Yale … like it does with vitamin a overdose?i have read that eyeproblems are sometimes linked wirh liver issues. I don’t remember how it feels to have my body feel normal anymore /: since I stopped so early, I got all my acne back. While most people do not experience them, a few will no doubt . His parents had money, and they probably expected a certain appearance, but what you see, is what you get, with me, and I was not putting on a show, and pretending like I was something that I wasn’t, like they were doing, with their son, because they were making it appear, like he had money, but it was actually theirs. I am still the same Isaac as i was a couple months ago but with BETTER face. It comes and goes, and it’s mild now. Does she prefer to exercise? I do my own thing. Two weeks ago we went back to the dermatologist and after discussion about the shortness of breath he took her off Oratane. My acne is MUCH better for it too! I began having terrible depression, which I’d never had before. I have also dealt with the severe anxiety and depression. Not compared to what I’ve experienced. I know people who have had cancer, gone through years of chemotherapy and managed to 100% regain their health through holistic means. And for those of you still suffering from accutane symptoms. I was ready to commit suicide over my acne and accutane was the only thing that could save me. I must say I didn’t really experiment that much side effects during my course. If you haven't had these awful symptoms, count yourself blessed." I developed severe panic attacks and horrible painful intestinal problems(along with dry eyes, lips, skin, hearing loss, painful joins)…and thats only in one months time. Now fast forward 15 years later I have learned to live with IBD. But that’s not the worst part. Good luck everyone! After 2 years of tireless study’s and work with leading derms we concluded that actually accutane is safer than most anti acne antibiotics but due to its imminent yet mild side effect like dry skin and lips it still should be a last resort. I don’t recommend accutane, and I think one of the biggest problems is with how readily available it is. I was 15 when I was introduced to acutane. I’m kind of worried and the section on the video confused me. He suggested that if I wanted clear skin that I should consider wearing no makeup and since I wasn’t fitting in, and being rejected in school, in a social setting, anyway, I didn’t see any reason, to keep up appearances, for a group, of people, that were rejecting me. Or the next time the dentist pulls your tooth out your are in agony for weeks. I also had to sign a contract, as did my Mum, to state that I’d been warned of the risks and what not. Basically, everything that normally produces moisture wasn’t. I’d bet my retirement I was NEVER reported to any medical entity as a bad outcome. I do not think it should be taken off the market, nor do I think it’s always the wrong choice. He had no idea the side effects would be permanent. why do you think that it stops acne, tell me? The doctor said i only need it for about 2-4 months since i am taking a high dose. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words, they mean so much. You may report them to the FDA. Tell me what you think. You summarized what’s wrong with the pharmaceutical model in 5 minutes. If we consider ourselves civilised, we MUST do it for the people who suffer acne and should not have to in this day and age. I’ve never taken this medicine, but I’m fighting my whiteheads with Atrederm. I was looking for videos on youtube about the drug, and found yours…it was a miracle. I had heard of the great success many people had with this medication and thought that maybe this would really work for me (because I tried almost everything else, except for dietary changes, which I didn’t really think had that much of an impact acne and getting clear skin) and it DID work to get my skin cleared up, which I am very happy about, even to this day, but I can’t help but think that some of the problems I now experience years later have something to do with this medication. And how they prescribe to teens with regular teenage acne that will likely clear up in a year or so on its own without emphasizing what a risk it really is. Very happy to find this page, I took these at 15, sadly I think too late and I have been left with very visible scaring. Please do not take this awful drug. I guessed wrong.. Hailey, our son complained of the terrible headache for several weeks before he died. It was a foundation in a ‘cake’ form (creamy)… but I still put powder over that. It’s been four years now and he is still not recovered. Like most people who’ve taken a course of Accutane, I still get the occasional pimple here and there, but nothing like it was before. Do what you need to, to live your life. Unfortunately every chemical drug has potential serious side effects. There is one big difference though. Just a suggestion, but one reason the healthy lifestyle may not be completely working yet, is because you may still be having the effects of accutane in your system. Although I did feel slightly more anxious at times. Accutane (isotretinoin)." I’ve suffered from ongoing anxiety and depression since roughly the same period, but I truly can’t remember how I felt prior and I do have anxiety in the family. I have attempted to ween off of antidepressants a few times over the years, but I have only lasted about 6 months drug free before plummeting into suicidal thoughts again and getting back on medication. It seemed like to me, people just pick on anyone who is different, has their own sense of style, does their own thing, or thinks for themselves, and since, I’m a leader, in that respect, they would never want me, to be a part of their group, because they are not leaders, they do not think for themselves, they are not individuals. 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